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Adi's works in progress and published posts. From the past as well as the now. Enjoy
Shattered to Sanctified
Coming Soon
What do you do when the wounds of your present bump into the pain from your past?
How do you meet the needs of others when your own have gone unmet for so long?
It’s time to tame the 25-year-old triggers taking over your life, and become the empowered person you were created to be.

8000 Promises
The 8000 Promises blog digs into the messages Adi discerns in her time with God and in her quest to see God in all of life. God's given us over 8000 promises in the Bible - Adi hopes to share how God is making those promises come to life in real time.

Cultivating Team Tilford
Cultivating Team Tilford is Adi's adoption journey blog. Written in what feels like a past life, you can read about the way God built her family through adoption. Over the years, Adi has learned so much more about the whole picture of adoption - the grief and loss that precedes the joy of building a family because of someone else heartache. She now advocates for a better understanding of all that adoption encompasses.