"We've gotta look backwards and deal with our stuff so that it doesn't become our kids' stuff in the future." ~ Rachael Hunt Elmore, LPCC
Episode 24 (Monday, July 17) is a conversation with Rachael Hunt Elmore, Author of A Mom is Born, Bible Wisdom and Practical Application for Taking Care of Yourself and Your Baby and Licensed Professional Counselor.
Rachael the 8KP Podcast's first second timer. Her content once again includes beautiful advice for how to take care of yourself well both practically and affordably. Though her book is written for the new mom, this mom whose been in the trenches for 11.5 years found it encouraging and meaningful for the now. Some parts led me to reflection and some gave me ideas for how to wrap around new parents and some parts made me think about some changes I could instill in my day to day life in this tween season!
I hope you'll give it a listen.
May it reach the ears that need to hear it.
May teams and tools be developed that help leave a legacy of love.
You are wanted here.
~ Adi Tilford, 8000 Promises Podcast
July is halfway gone. My August Newsletter will be finding it's way to inboxes soon! Remember to subscribe and then confirm your subscription so that you don't miss a thing! The newsletter gives updates on the the pod and provides neuroscience based, faith filled resources for living a faith-based, trauma informed, therapeutic lifestyle.
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Now to the pod... the reason you are here!
Episode 23: Saying Yes! to Proxy Power and Preserving Dignity
(Click photo to head right to the episode for listening fun!)

After becoming a mom in 2012, Rachael fought to overcome postpartum depression in
her own life. When she recovered, she dedicated her life and career to helping new
mothers who didn’t have access to the help she had.
Rachael is one of only three winners of Lysa Terkeurst’s “Book Proposal Bootcamp. Over
the last year, she has partnered with Lysa to bring her new book, “A Mom Is Born
– Biblical Wisdom and Practical Advice For Taking Care of Yourself and Your New Baby”
to life.
Rachael wrote the book she needed during her own struggle with PPD and PPA. She is
a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor (LCMHC-S) in North Carolina
with 19 years of experience in the counseling field. She is also a National Certified
Counselor by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC).
You can connect with Rachael on instagram at Rachaelhuntelmore . That’s R-A-C-H-A-E-L-H-U-N-T-E-L-M-O-R-E. and on Facebook at Rachael Elmore, Author and Counselor. Find those links in the show notes!
I hope you enjoy this conversation with Rachael as much as I did.
You can find me on Instagram at AdiTilfordWrites, Facebook at AdiTilford-Author and at my website AdiTilford.com.
Are you loving what you hear and want to help financially support the production of this podcast? You can contribute through this link: https://anchor.fm/adi-tilford/support
You can now subscribe to my monthly newsletter for the pod and fun tips for saying Yes to God’s promises for your life. When you do you get a free resource designed to help you increase love and invite healing with Bryan Post’s 3 up 3 down strategy discussed in episode 11.
Thanks for being here and may great things happen for you today.
Other Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Free 21 Day Self- Care Challenge by Rachael Hunt Elmore
Thanks for being here.
May great things happen for you today.