If I ask God to take care of it, I can trust that God loves me and is good and wants good for me. Because I start to see it. When I slow down. When I start to let it go. And it doesn't always look the way I would pick it. ~ Adi Tilford
The conversation with Viv Mabuni in episode 22 (Monday, June 12) sends us into the savory topics of rest and how much representation matters to God and therefore perhaps should matter to us!
It is such an important conversation about surrender (the secret sauce to the Christian life ~ Viv Mabuni), about God's non-nationalistic presence, about the invitation to rest.
I hope you'll give it a listen.
May it reach the ears that need to hear it.
May stressful schedules be shattered and lives be redeemed.
You are wanted here.
~ Adi Tilford, 8000 Promises Podcast
June is here. Did you get my newsletter? Don't forget to subscribe and then confirm your subscription so that you don't miss a thing! You can now subscribe to my monthly newsletter for the the pod and neuroscience based, faith filled resources for saying Yes to God’s promises for your life. It's all free and written with you in mind!
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Now to the pod... the reason you are here!
Episode 22: Saying Yes! to Representation and Rest
(Click photo to head right to the episode for listening fun!)

Vivian Mabuni is a national speaker and author, bible teacher and podcast host. With 34 years serving on staff with Cru, Viv loves teaching about the Bible and practical application to ministry and life and serves on the Board of Trustees at Denver Seminary. Author of "Open Hands, Willing Heart," and host of the Someday Is Here podcast for AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) leaders. Viv loves drinking coffee with her husband of 31 years, Darrin, and marveling at their young adult kids.
Connect with Viv on Instagram @vivmabuni or on her website www.vivianmabuni.com
You can find me on Instagram at AdiTilfordWrites, Facebook at AdiTilford-Author and at my website AdiTilford.com.
Are you loving what you hear and want to help financially support the production of this podcast? You can contribute through this link: https://anchor.fm/adi-tilford/support
You can now subscribe to my monthly newsletter for the pod and fun tips for saying Yes to God’s promises for your life. When you do you get a free resource designed to help you increase love and invite healing with Bryan Post’s 3 up 3 down strategy discussed in episode 11.
Other Resources Mentioned:
Open Hands Willing Heart: Discover the Joy of Saying Yes to God
Thanks for being here and may great things happen for you today.
May great things happen for you today.