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Last week, we talked about how Peter and John left the tomb with a fledgling belief. The two disciples leave, but Mary remains. In this week's passage, we get to see a spectacular unfolding reunion between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. She thinks that Jesus is not only dead, but that his body has been stolen. She’s a mess in all the exact ways it is okay to be a mess when life plays out like this. She takes herself in all her messiness to be close to the one who rescued her. She longs to be close to Jesus. He is her safe haven. Though we don’t always recognize Him, God will come to us in our grief. He’s there to sooth us and to help our inner system organize in such a way we can believe - we can trust - that in relationship with God we will find our safe haven. Jesus is a comforting friend and an unconventional teacher - your ever-present safe haven.
Scripture Reading: John 20:11-18 (NRSV) by Adi Tilford