Isn't that the truth? Love does not destroy. Love does many things, but it most definitely is not designed for destruction. It might serve us well as followers of Christ to keep that in mind as we enter into all of life's arenas. Are we living out love? Are we promoting the building up of others rather than the breaking down?
The 8000 Promises Podcast brings to you this week, Erin Nestico, founder of Love Doesn't Destroy.

Erin Nestico is a former elementary teacher who uses her education background to speak on dating, domestic violence and the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. God saved her physically from an abusive relationship, and she is passionate about helping teens and young adults enter into safe, loving partnerships. She and her husband, Chris live in Adams, New York with their four children and a menagerie of pets.
After 12 years in an abusive relationship, Erin was able to find her way out. In this episode of 8000 Promises, Erin and I talk about how Erin was able to leave the relationship in which she was trapped for so long, how online resources helped end the isolation created by abuse and how she is still learning to trust God’s timing in all stages of life. Erin shares how learning about certain terminology helped her realize that what was happening was not an okay way to live. We hope this discussion helps shine light into the darkness of domestic violence, a common problem that affects an estimated 10 million people every year.
Erin says that, "Love Doesn't’ Destroy, was born out of the mess of my abusive relationship and the burning desire for teens and young women to know what I did not know at their age."
This includes:
- Our value and worth come from God and not a relationship status
- God will give us the desires of our heart when we trust His timing
- The enemy will always try to make us feel less than, but we must combat those lies with God's truth knowing the differences between unhealthy and healthy relationships - Tools for establishing boundaries and ending relationships with toxic people
Additional resources mentioned in the episode to help when in need or to learn more:
8000 Promises with Michelle McManus of BabybeBrave episode 3 includes some discussion on the topic of gaslighting.
Love is Respect:
One Love Foundation:
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
Bicycle Health Blog Post:
Find Erin at:
The more we continue to speak truth about the hard stories of our pasts and how God continues to redeem what was meant for harm, the more we will shine light into the darkness that we did not create. Be sure to let us know what you think!